Real Estate Content Writing

Real Estate Content Writing Techniques to Boost Web Presence

With the growing usage of the internet and the employment of numerous digital marketing techniques in the real estate arena, a new avenue for both real estate agents and buyers has opened. Along with it, the emergence of social media has altered the manner in which content is consumed and shared. Homebuyers today can discover plenty of information on listings that you’re offering. In such a competitive market, you must implement the best real estate content writing practices to make your business stand out. Everyone knows the importance of creating original and engaging website content for real estate. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better at writing content for the real estate domain.


Real Estate Content Writing Practices to Rank Higher on the Search Engine

Google keeps adjusting its secret search algorithms innumerable times in a year. Their algorithm updates have always left the webmasters stunned. Due to it, sites of various kinds of businesses suddenly plummet in search engine rankings. Real estate sites are also not immune to the effect of algorithm changes.

The search engines like Google work extremely hard to enhance their results for the searchers. When it comes to real estate, Google wants searchers to get informative content pertaining to it. In such a case, only a real estate content writer who takes adequate time to research and create keyword-rich content can help a site enhance its ranking.

Unfortunately, you can never find out which algorithms Google uses to enhance the search experience. But what you can do is deliver quality content that showcases you as an expert in the real estate domain.

Real Estate Content Writing


What are the Best Practices to Follow for Real Estate Content Writing?

A real estate website content needs to satisfy the various queries that home buyers and sellers have on their minds. Given below are some of the best practices to follow while creating varied content.


1. Website

Having an unresponsive website is one of the greatest real-estate marketing mistakes. Despite that, there are many developers and agents who overlook the need for a fully responsive and user-friendly website. An intuitive website serves as a point of contact between sellers and home buyers. A professional real estate website also goes a long way in developing the image of a brand.

 Only a well-structured website defined by seamless navigation can aid buyers to go through crucial details, like location, market comparison, and the available facilities of a place. Some best practices to follow when writing real estate content for a website include the following:

  • The content should be attractive, engaging, and persuasive.
  • Whether you’re writing about the benefits of a certain location or its highlights, every aspect of your content should be uncluttered and clear.
  • Integrating other things, apart from text, like videos, infographics, and maps will stimulate the interest of home buyers even more.
  • For displaying real estate projects, always ensure to use high-quality images.


2. Property listings

Property listings are an integral part of content writing for real estate websites. The way you write property descriptions plays a critical role in making homebuyers decide. This information should be very well-researched, comprehensive, and perfectly articulated. Keep in mind these tips.

  • Pay attention to the phrases and adjectives you implement. Certain adjectives like ‘landscaped’, ‘plush’, and ‘luxurious’ function as a major selling point for real estate agents. On the other hand, terms like ‘nice’, and ‘cosmetic’ do not have the same appeal.
  • Use punctuation in a balanced manner.
  • Refrain from writing long sentences. It makes it difficult for the reader to interpret the information.
  • Rather than rambling about the basic information, outline the features of a property that make it unique.


3. Social Media Content

Always make it a point to share plenty of content related to the domain of real estate or the services you provide in it on various social media channels. You can include a variety of content types on social media. These include videos, listings, infographics, client testimonials, major conclusions derived from research reports, and the like.

Remember that social media content is different in nature from what you write for blogs. In blogs posts, content is usually short and long-form. But social media content for real estate should always be concise, educational, yet attractive.

Some real estate posts that you can experiment with are

  • Polls or short quizzes
  • Property listings are accompanied by appropriate hashtags to attract your target customers.
  • Short, funny, and easy to read memes.
  • Blog posts containing home buying tips and market trends to increase user engagement.


4. Forums

Joining forums is by far the simplest way to enhance your network with real estate professionals at zero cost. As a realtor, you can not only generate new clients but self-brand yourself in that particular user group. What is needed from you is sufficient time, which you can devote to answer or comment on the queries buyers or sellers have.

When you answer questions with informative content, you become a resource in the realtor community. You can generate lots of traffic to your website by inserting links into your answers and directing users to your blog posts.


5. Create visually enticing infographics

Infographics form an essential part of real estate content writing. Don’t believe it? Just enter ‘real estate infographics’ on any search engine, and you’ll be bombarded by innumerable search results. This fact duly outlines the importance of infographics in the content marketing strategy of the real estate domain.

Infographics serve two purposes. Not only are they visually enticing, but they are also a distinctive way of showcasing your expertise in real estate. When you incorporate search engine optimized infographics along with your real estate website content you’ll be surprised to see the amount of organic traffic that your site receives. The significant benefits of this form of content include:

  • Visually attractive infographics allow you to describe significant statistics through aesthetically charming graphics. It makes the infographics useful for the user.
  • They help you to boost your website traffic. High-quality website content, thoroughly researched statistics, along suitable keywords enables you to generate organic traffic.
  • Infographics are very easy to share on various social media channels. You can even modify their content and design according to the specific digital channel.
  • Infographics can be easily assessed and monitored. You can observe how well they are performing by monitoring the number of shares, downloads, and views they receive.
  • SEO-friendly infographics help enhance your website’s ranking on the search engine.


6. Informative blogs

You can describe all your real estate services comprehensively through the medium of blogs. From market trends, selling and buying tips to real estate regulations, there is simply no end to the topics that you can elaborate on through your blog posts. When you have decided to use blogs as a part of your real estate content writing plan, start by researching the properties that are coming to the market. Then, think about the changes in the legislature that will be in effect soon.

Put all these topics to write in your content calendar. You can also create a blog post that answers questions that your audience frequently asks. Some topic ideas on which you can write insightful blog posts include:

  • Statistics, industry insights and trends.
  • Property listicles and your services.
  • Local laws of a place for homebuyers.
  • How-to guides for different aspects of real estate.

A good real estate content writer writes blog posts that have the following characteristics

  • An eye-catching title, preferably below ten words.
  • A major idea or takeaway.
  • Bolded headlines and content in the form of bullet points. It makes the posts scannable.
  • Writing in a conversational tone. Expert writers write real estate content in the way the agents talk to their clients.
  • A clear call to action at the end part of every post. The CTA relates fully to the issue or topic discussed and imparts added value to the reader’s experience.
  • A consistent word count ranging from 500 to 1000 words per blog post.


7. Comprehensive real estate market research reports

Many people harbour the assumption that real estate content for websites is only limited to creating social media posts or blogging. But that is not the case. You can significantly expand your horizon by publishing detailed market research reports.

High-quality research reports on the real estate market are very valuable for your prospective clients. They enable prospective investors to pick a property that’s not just practical but also capable of yielding them a profit.

Real estate market research aids in the identification of trends that can impact the value of a property. When people have knowledge of the trends that affect the demand and purchasing patterns, they make informed decisions about how and when to save and spend their money.

The basic idea with a market research report is to give home buyers a comprehensive guide that can facilitate a hassle-free selling or buying process.

To create one, you can carry out surveys through social media and email campaigns. Afterward, you can collate your findings in the reports. Another way is to prepare reports on restaurants, daycare, schools, and local attractions. These reports also serve as a potent medium for you to display your annual business statistics, the number and type of properties you sold, and customer feedback.


8. Testimonials from clients

Client testimonials are another secret weapon in the arsenal of realtors. An effective real estate content writing plan always features client testimonials. They act as proof of your successful services, which in turn helps boost your brand reputation. So, don’t forget to leverage it whenever you close a successful deal. Request your clients to share about your services in the form of verbal or written reviews. Then share them on various social media platforms.


9. Newsletters

Delivering newsletters to your present and prospective clients helps you to generate brand awareness. Engaging newsletters also increase your conversion rates. However, real estate content writing for newsletters varies significantly from your social media posts. Newsletters must be persuasive, and you should take care to customize the templates for varied categories.

Another critical factor is always to keep your target customers in mind when creating your newsletter strategy. For instance, a person searching for a property in South Delhi may be interested in the various amenities for entertainment like malls and restaurants. But if someone desires to obtain a deep insight into the domain of real estate in India, they would prefer to go through a detailed guide.

Place visuals in your real estate newsletter. But refrain from adding too much of them. Remember that a reader spends not more than one minute going through it. Strike a good balance between content and design by using a visual hierarchy. Some examples of it include the following:

  • The inverted pyramid model – According to it, you should put the most critical information at the top and then end with a solid call to action.
  • The Guttenberg Diagram – You should break up your newsletter content into four distinct quadrants according to this model. The CTA box fills up one quadrant. It’s ideal for dense content.
  • The Z pattern model – This model is based on what readers follow when they browse through web pages. They scan the title, then scroll down and across to the left part. Put simply, the reader moves in a Z shape pattern.

The bottom line is to break up your newsletter content and utilize loads of white space for enhancing readability.


Closing Words

Content writing for the domain of real estate needs comprehensive market research on your part. At the same time, it also requires a well-rounded tactic for enhancing organic traffic through quality content. Indeed, the task is not exactly a smooth one. That’s why you can seek the help of trusted content writing services for this purpose. The unique and engaging content you’ll get will surely put your website on top of the search engine results.