Writing an article review is one of those academic tasks students face quite often during their academics. At first glance, it may seem like a very simple and straightforward task. But article review writing is full of vulnerabilities and pitfalls that make writing an article review a daunting task. Article review is one of the best techniques that helps evaluators get the job done. It is very important since it speaks volume of your words. For a long time, learning how to write an article review remained a challenging task for many students. It is one of the academic tasks students do during their education. Initially, it looks like a very simple thing, but it really tests your skills.
Knowing how to avoid any gaps can save your time and nerves and produce excellent results. But students are still not aware of how to execute it.
If you’re particular about such tasks, then it gives a clue on how to review an article. You’re there at the right place. Here In This Article, you’ll find the most-effective tips and tricks that make your article review format pleasant. Let’s know better.
However, the main factors, it comprises is clarity, conciseness, & originality, which set the tone of the write-up.
What Is An Article Review?
A review article is better known as a literature review, a kind of survey done on previously published articles. The primary objective of a literature review is to conduct a critical evaluation of data from the available studies. Review articles reflect the potential areas to explore next and may draw conclusions from the data.
This is a writing piece that helps you get a fair idea. It revokes the central idea of the article, supporting arguments, implications, and further research.
A review gives you a special guideline to write. Be it a critical review or a literature review. When you do a critical analysis with a specific kind of detail, while literature is a broader kind of document.
The Need to Write an Article Review
- To provide a comprehensive foundation on the topic
- To explain the current status of knowledge
- Plugging the gaps in existing studies.
- Focus on key methodologies and research techniques.
Moreover, the thing that makes articles important is how you write
- Clarify questions
- Ability To Grasp On Other People’s Thoughts And Perspective On Current Issues
- After reading different reviews, writers can come up with different biases
- Helps correct the language and sentence structure that makes little Impact
- Improves Grammar And Makes Writing Skills Clear
- Provides Suggestions Or Criticism On The Article For Future Research
Types of Article Review Examples
- Journal Article Review
- Research Article Review
- Science Article Reviews
1. Journal Article Reviews
A journal article review is more like a research work (a critique of an academic paper). Here, the author provides strengths and weaknesses, how it fits in with other work, and how the publication is going to be unique
2. Research Article Review
It evaluates the research methods used in the review. It also keeps the research methods used in the study. Also, it correlates the work to other research activities.
3. Science Article Reviews
It comprises detailed background information to understand it in a better manner.
Top Popular Formats Of Article Review
Format is the key as it follows the citation required by the professor. A professor can guide you with the following printers about the preferred format. Hence, you can format your articles as per readers’ taste.
- What Are the Essential Formats For Citing Your Articles? (MLA, APA, ASA, Chicago,etc.)
- What Comprises The Ideal Length Of The Review?
- Must include a summary, critique, or personal opinion?
- Check if the professor needs background information?
- The need for a central Idea of the article
No surprises APA and MLA are the two most popular citations used in assignments.
1. APA Format
This can appear in various websites using journals, and newspapers. Also, you can use bibliographical versions for the source you use while writing an APA format:
Web: Author [ Last Name] [First and Middle Initial] (Year, Month, Date of Publication)
Journal: Author last Name[ First and Middle initial] (year of publication) Periodical title, Volume (Issue)
Newspaper: Author last name,[First and Middle Initial](Year, Month, Date of Publication title
2. MLA Format
That’s how you cite sources in MLA format
Web: Last, First, and Initial.” Publication title”. Newspaper title, Month, Year Published
Newspaper: Journal
Journal: Series title of the journal and series. Issue year published: Page(s). Database Name, Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
How can I write an article review?
Among students, writing an article review is often a daunting task. Thus, you can better prepare for the initial steps. But don’t worry, this following guide will be quite helpful in writing an effective article review in a quick time.
1. The Pre-Writing Process
First, you need to understand the type of review you’re going to write, as it helps in reading the article. Here are the key steps that will help you kick-start things.
- Always summarize your article using the main points, ideas, observations, and general information presented
- Review the strong claims made by the professor
- Discover the possible contradictions and plug the gaps to evaluate if the writer has put across sufficient arguments and complemented the ideas
- Don’t skip reading the article in full
- Do an analysis of the title, introduction, abstract, headings, subheadings, opening and conclusion of the article
- Explore if there are any unanswered questions so far After completing it, you can post your own reviews.
2. Write The Title
Always write a title that reflects the main focus of your keywords. You can find it in any form, interrogative, narrative, descriptive, or declarative.
3. Cite The Article
Follow the specification cited by the instructor. Add the citation which you have reviewed. For example, if you’re using MLA style, the citation would always show in that manner.
Author’s last and final date( Title Article & Journal), publication date, prints & pages
John Mendis.” The Power Of Ideas” Washington Daily 60.2 (1991): 125-67 Print.
4. Article identification
While citing the article properly, you can always include the information in the first paragraph.
- Article’s Title
- Author
- Journal
- Publication Date
For e.g.
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation by John Erickson in 2020—- A Report
5. Introduction
Organizing thoughts is the key. Before you start to write, your ideas should be in order. You can use your article review, and start with your introduction. It should comprise the following things:
- Key stats of the review
- Summarizing the key points
- Extracting key facts and aspects in the research study
- Identifying gaps, contradictions, and unanswered questions in the information
6. Summarizing The Article
When you write a summary of the articles and discuss the central idea. It is advisable to write key points and facts and includes the author’s discussion.
7. Critique It
Writing on the author’s contribution is critical, which reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the article. You can also make a list of research, gaps and see if the facts and theories support your arguments.
8. Be Conclusive
While doing so, you can add your critical points, findings, and critique of the article. Here, the writer has a chance to state the accuracy and validity of the review by presenting key suggestions for future research work.
9. Revise and proofread
Before you complete the last stage of the article, you can submit your article review, revise and proofread.
You can always read your review aloud to identify spell errors, grammar, punctuation, syntax, or structure related problems.
How To Write An Article Review Outline?
Organizing thoughts is the key. While reading your article you should be able to organize your thoughts online. Mention key facts, research work, and contributions in the field.
Knowing the weaknesses and strengths of your publication helps in discussing things accordingly. Follow the instructions as mentioned by your professor. If they are not keen on writing a summary, then don’t write.
An article must have the essential components, be it an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Hence, write article review outline as per these sections and subheadings in the body.
If you find difficulty with pre-writing and brainstorming assignments, try writing a sample outline. The outline article review should have the following things:
- Pre-Title Page: State the article type to review, the title of the publication, authors who contributed to it, and author’s affiliations (position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID)
- Other Corresponding Author Details: name, phone number, address, email, and fax number.
- Running Head: Paper title, as it contains 40 characters.
- Summary Page: An alternative section, depending on what are the professor demands. And it should not exceed 1000 words. Just be specific and clear and write the point-to-point language and refrain from giving references in this section. Rather, state the background information about why the work is done and summarize the results.
- Title Page: Full-title, 250 words, and 4-6 keywords
- Introduction
- Body: Include headings and subheadings
Works Cited/References
- Tables and Figures( as instructed by the professor)
Article Review Topics
Here you can find examples of article review
What are the communication differences between men and women?
- Obesity and its negative effects on health
- Students perspective on sports
- Illegal Immgiration in the USA
- Covid-19 impact on the Economy
- Street art tendencies in the USA
- Role of Genders In The Modern World
Writing a review becomes different as you need to find an article in a review source and read it. Evaluating information helps and plays a vital role in expanding your limitations. Thus, they must show exceptional writing and analytical skills.
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Proofreading and editing are vital before you finalize your article review
If you are looking forward to writing a well-written article review, you’ll not find any typos or grammar mistakes. Although the content of your review plays a key role in your success.
Many students are still keen to skip the post-writing process, and that’s where they make a huge mistake. When you don’t proofread or edit your content, the chances are that you’re on the list of our low grades as you didn’t fix the errors.
That is very much true. So here you have all the reasons to devote some more time and energy to revise your draft.
But the question is how to proofread and edit your review effectively? Here Are Some Of The Key Aspects To Help You
Firstly, you should give yourself a few days to rest once you’re done with writing.
Take time after reading. Your writing muscles work differently when you edit or proofread. When you finish writing, you can’t jump to proofread as it feels tiring and unproductive. So, it is always relevant to take some time .
Read the material several times. As a rule, reading it at the same time doesn’t allow you to figure out errors.
Target one particular error at a time. If not, then it is like “sailing two boats at the same time”. When you focus on one specific type during each round of revision, you have a better chance to identifying and eliminating all errors.
Be specific with tools. Finally, we boost your confidence to make better use of tools to simplify and speed up the process. You’ll find many tools for proofreading and editing, which’ll prove handy. Don’t completely rely on such tools to save your precious time.
When you have a checklist for revision, it makes your job simpler
- Content
- Formatting
- Structure
- Vocabulary
- Paragraph
- The Voice Tone
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Citations and Referencing
- Uniqueness
- Presentation
Writing An Article Review: Here Are The Do’s and Don’ts
If you have never written an essay assignment before, you must have self-doubts about how to write an article review while writing article reviews that way and fixing common errors.
The major steps help in writing and you can share useful handy article reviews to kick start
But, we are passionate and willing to share things with you.
IN THE LIST BELOW, We’ve gathered some of the key points of Do’s and Don’ts
- Read the article several times to express the central idea
- Focus on the key impression the article makes
- Make notes while you are reading
- If there are any unfamiliar terms, please check before writing
- Do your work on an analysis with insightful observations
- Check at least one example how it looks like
- Always write in the third person and stick to the formal style
- Give a strong emphasis on your introduction to engage the readers and make a thesis statement
- Reading once is not sufficient
- Don’t underestimate creating an outline
- Brainstorm ideas to find a catchy title that is concise and hook’s readers’ attention
- Don’t be judgemental on the positive and negative sides of the article. Rather, take a holistic approach to make strong points and drawbacks
- Don’t skip the proofreading and editing stage
- Ask for help when the need arises
The Bottom Line:
I hope, after reading all your articles, guidelines, and tips you’ll be comfortable writing reviews of articles. That’s how we’ve something else for you. More solutions to your academic matter paves 100 % success path. It is turning to professional help to the team of contentwriting.us.
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